Friday 23 October 2015

Agriculture in the achievement of global goals in Nigeria

These are the 17 global goals for sustainable development. We have a role to play to achieve this. Have you found your part?
My attention is drawn to the first three goals and a couple of others and the role Agriculture plays in it.
While at Cornell, I attended the course "Food policies in developing countries" with Prof Prabhu Pingali. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute spent in that class. Without sustainable agriculture, there is no food security. Then what is food security?

Sunday 15 March 2015

Are GMO foods safe?

What is genetic modification?
Genetic modification, also known as “genetic engineering,” is a technologically advanced way to select desirable traits in crops. While selective breeding has existed for thousands of years, modern biotechnology is more efficient and effective because seed developers are able to directly modify the genome of the crop.